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Work online : Earn money through advertising and affiliate

Earn money through advertising and affiliate

In the mindset of the people, it is difficult to make money on the internet through advertising. But they are mistaken, advertising is the number one source of income on the internet.

A Google Adsense advertising refers to an average of € 1 100 visitors

An advertisement on YouTube reported an average of 1 € to 10,000 views!

Suffice to say that you will not make a fortune with advertising if you do not have a lot of traffic on your site. Advertising is effective for high traffic sites and general theme.

If you have a small site, better sell your own products, or choose sale by affiliation.

Governance most used advertising online is Google Adsense.

Affiliation is a practice of selling the products of other companies earn commission on each sale. In practice, enrolled in an affiliate program which is recovered his affiliate link. The link is then posted on your site, or sent by email, and each person who clicks on the affiliate link and buys the product generates for you a commission.

Affiliate boards are numerous. Even the big brands offer an affiliate program like Amazon or Apple. Banks and insurance companies also often offer their own affiliate program or sponsorship.

Finally, advertising or membership are simple and accessible to all means to start their online business. But it is difficult to generate large revenue only through these channels. This does not replace a real business model based on selling your own products!

Various types of advertising

There are different types of advertising. Each has a different format:
- Banner display: through an advertising board you can post a banner on your site. For example AdFever, Adverland, Adverline, Comclick, PromoBenef
- The text display advertising Google Adsense: surely one of the most effective advertising campaign because the advertising fits the text of the page.
- Membership: offers to sell products on your web page and often pays with a percentage to vente.Par example: TradeDoubler 128b.com, or Amazon to sell books.
- Inserting links in your text: a small script replace the keywords in your page advertising links. An example of company that offers this service: Text-link-ads.com

Different remuneration

There are different types of revenue on these ads:% on the sale price, commission for every click advertising commission for 1000 display. Similarly there is often a minimum payment threshold that is 20 to 100 euros per month. Every website requires financial conditions, sure to compare before signing for a Board or another.

How to blow its advertising revenue?

The first point to observe, to blow its advertising revenue, is to have traffic on its website. No hope of getting rich if you only have 50 daily visitors. Allow for example between 900 and 4000 dollars monthly benefits to 4,000 visitors a day. This figure depends on the financial terms of your ad network, and the industry in which you work. Indeed, a click on a flower advertising will yield less money than a click on a poker advertising.

The second point to observe is to offer products tailored to customers. A customer reading an article on poker will surely have more to click on a poker advertising on a flower advertising. This is how you will mielleur the customer conversion rate.

How to insert advertising on its website?

It's very simple, by following the links in the beginning of the article, you can sign up for advertising agencies. At the end of the registration they will give you a small script text to be inserted on all pages. At the end of the month transfer to your bank account automatically.

Be patient and work every day

The last secret to success online is to never get discouraged. A website put an average of 6 months to 1 year before becoming profitable. It takes time for indexing is done on the search engines, and that customers get used to your site. Believe me, the internet fortunes are rarely in 3 months.